Monday, August 30, 2010

Ik heet Laura. Ik woon in Amsterdam.

Time for Introductions.

I arrived safely in Amsterdam a week ago today. And everything has been a whirlwind since then. Almost literally. The shock of the weather here has been the biggest adjustment, fall has arrived with a bang and it is raining and windy and quite cold.

The VU (pronounced 'foo' in Dutch) has been very welcoming. I have met international students from so many different countries. I had the United Nations for dinner the other night, 8 of us, from Honduras, Peru, Germany, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, Spain and myself. Most of the people I have met are Masters students like myself, and we are all studying in different fields.

I also attended a Dutch language session and start language classes next Monday night. This week my faculty has the introductory lectures and I will attend a meeting with the Supervisors and Professors. Not to mention 'Water Cycling'. I will let you know exactly what this entails, if I survive :)

Speaking of cycling, one of the first things I did after registering with the city and opening a bank account was buy a bike. Something in the Netherlands that is more of a necessity than anything else. It will just take some time getting used to the rules of the road, as everyone here takes it quite seriously.

I have spoken to my Host Rotary Counsellor and have been in touch with previous Ambassadorial Scholars, now actually settled in Amsterdam, one who is a Canadian. I hope to attend a Rotary meeting soon and introduce myself.

Now I am off with my South African flatmate to make our place a little cozier, namely a trip to IKEA.

Ciao for now.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Inspiration for New Background

Hi All.

I had inspiration to add this background to my Blog as I received a message from the Netherlands, letting me know that I should prepare for the rain waiting for me. So the first thing I did today in Toronto was buy a raincoat. I am here awaiting my departure for the Netherlands and spending some time with family.

Also today, I received a record number of e-mails all with details pertaining to my departure. The most exciting one being that my scholarship money has arrived in the Netherlands and is waiting for me. I also have course registration to take care of and a mentor group waiting to welcome me.

Everything seems to be fitting into place, though I can't say the same about my luggage. You would think I would be getting better at this packing business, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Only 3 more days until I leave! The next time I post I will be doing so from Amsterdam.

Veilige Reis!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Preparation for Departure!

Time is winding down before my Scholarship Year begins at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Excitement is building as I am organizing all the last minute details. I just hope I will manage in packing my two small suitcases with everything I will need for a year. Everyday brings more news from the university and I have never looked forward to going back to school more.

Tomorrow I will be making my first Pre-Departure Presentation at the Rotary Club of Petoskey.

As the year continues I will be keeping everybody updated on my adventures, so stay tuned.

Tot de volgende keer!
