Friday, June 3, 2011

The Canals of Amsterdam...

Boat season is underway and I was lucky enough to cruise the canals with some of my Rotaract friends yesterday, it was a holiday here in Amsterdam (They still celebrate or at least get vacation for the Ascension). I feel like the past couple of months have been filled with holidays, Easter, Queen's Day, Liberation Day...

I have been trying to balance all these fun exciting adventures with my time in the Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam. Ah yes, the beginning of summer also means the end of school and I am slaving away at my thesis which will hopefully be wrapped up in the next couple of weeks.

I will be so happy to be done and to finally take a real vacation. The sad thing is that the closer we get to July the closer my time here in A'dam is coming to an end.

I am going to remember all the interesting things I learned at VU and with my LPIS classmates my Rotary adventures and most of all the great times I had with great friends. This year just makes me realize more and more the doors that Rotary has opened for me and for young people around the world.

Bring on the summer of relaxation, beach times on Lake Superior, family, friends and preparation for my return to Ottawa, the hometown of my heart :)

Hopefully the next time I write I will be able to sign my name:

Laura Morrison (LLM)

On the Prinsengracht near the Westerkerk.

Rotaract Club of Amstelveen :)

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