Tuesday, September 21, 2010


"Routines" is the dutch word used to describe the new rules of the language that I need to learn in my dutch textbook. And I feel that after being in Amsterdam a month, that is definitely starting to be the case. The routine of University life is settling. As a student you always know your place and the comfort of studying is returning to me. Of course that also means that I have two 5000 word papers to write in the next month, but I will get to that.

Tuesday mornings have become a tradition of going for bagels with my roommate and friends in my building and today was extra special, as it is a friend of mine's birthday. It is nice getting to know all these new people. I always feel lucky that wherever I go, I am always fortunate to meet great people.

This past weekend a friend from the States came to visit. Erik studies in Maastricht and we met at a Pre-Departure Conference for the Ambassadorial Scholars in Kansas City. It was nice showing him around the city and also we visited Amersfoort and met with the other Scholars in the Netherlands. We are quite a diverse group. Saturday night we went out for Moroccan food with many of my colleagues from University. There are quite a lot of different ethnic restaurants in this city, and hopefully I will get to explore some more as well. Though there is always the typical Dutch pancakes to fall back on. Lekker!!!

One other big piece of news is that I have booked my first travel adventure for the end of October. I think I will keep you in suspense a bit to see where I will be going. Guesses left in the comments are welcome, I am interested to see if anyone will get it :)

Tot de volgende keer.



  1. Latvia
    from Vana (she is having issues posting)

  2. i know where you're going! i know where you're going! na-na-na-na-na-na!
