Tuesday, November 23, 2010


You can see the excitement on my face!

It has been awhile since I updated but life in Amsterdam got very busy as the past two weekends I had some good friends visiting. The nice thing about travelling all over is that you meet and make friends with people you might never have had the chance to otherwise. It was also really nice to reminisce with these friends about past adventures. This past weekend Terri from Scotland and Meike from Germany joined me in the city, both who I met while I was studying in Heidelberg. The weekend before Michele from Switzerland, who I met in Rome, was visiting. It is weekends like these that I realize how fortunate I am to have such an international network of friends.

What is also interesting is that when these visitors arrive it is like I become a tourist again in the city I live in. I want to show them all the interesting sites and take them to all the best places. We went on bike rides, on canal cruises to musuems and concerts and out for some very nice meals. This past weekend it was nice that the Christmas season officially kicked off so the city is alight with decorations which made for a nice atmosphere. Michele and I also went to Utrecht about 30 min south of Amsterdam and climbed to the to of the big Dom (over 400 steps!) All in all I was really happy to play hostess and have such good friends visit and see my life here in Amsterdam.

In between my visitors I saw the Canadian Cirque de Soleil show Totem, made two presentations about Rotary (one to my classmates :), went to see Harry Potter Pt.1. and tonight I am going to the Opera. Life just doesn't seem to slow down. This weekend I will relax and stuff myself with some turkey as some American friends celebrate Thanksgiving.

To any American readers have a Happy Thanksgiving! Christmas is just around the corner and here in Amsterdam temperatures are supposed to slip to a frigid -5 this weekend. With the winter feeling, who know maybe we will even get some snow.

So with my visitors now gone it is a return to real life, this means studying and preparing for the end of the Semester, which happens to coincide with Christmas. This is the next big thing to look forward to, I am definitely excited to be going home to see my family and friends.

Ciao for now!

Meike, Terri and I near the Amstel river.

Terri and I at Paradiso for Broken Social Scene!

Michele at the top of the Dom in Utrecht!

Michele and I inside the Houseboat Museum.

Susi in front of the Big Cirque Tent for Totem.

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