Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Peace or Justice?

Today I had the amazing opportunity to visit the International Criminal Court in the Hague with some of my classmates. We attended presentations by people working at the Court and were also allowed to attend trials. The most interesting case before the Court started just last week and is on command responsibility. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo who is a former vice-President and Senator of the Democratic Republic of Congo is on trial for the atrocities committed by the men in his group the Movement for the Liberation of Congo in the Central African Republic. The prosecutors were questioning a witness today, yet we were not able to see the woman based on confidentiality of victims.
My head is about to explode from all the new and interesting information I acquired today. It is so amazing to be able to go out and see in action that which we talk about on a daily basis in class. It is funny how for learning methods we never change, students will always get excited about a field trip!

Another particularly interesting point is that Amsterdam witnessed its first snow this past week. There is still a little on the ground now and it is only supposed to get colder over the next week. I didn't think -14 Celsius was possible in this country :( But, the weather makes it feel very real that Christmas is just around the corner. This past weekend added to the holiday spirit as I had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday with all the trimmings. With the 1st of December tomorrow it is time to break out the Advent Calendar to count the days until Christmas 24!! and until home 19!!

But before leaving I will have to hand in my final assignment for my central course the Changing Nature of War on the subject of humanitarian intervention. Here is hoping that the ICC today can help with some inspiration.

Ciao from Chilly Amsterdam.


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