Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tis the Season!

It's the most wonderful time of the year, at least in my opinion. Christmas is 2 weeks away and I could not be more excited. Getting into the festive spirit is my favourite thing about December, I have been playing Christmas music on repeat for the past two weeks. Adding to the atmosphere was the snow on the ground for the past couple of weeks, but it has all melted now.

Last weekend I went to Munster in Germany with some friends to visit the Christmas Market. It was amazing being back in Germany and shopping for Christmas presents, eating lots of great German food and let's not forget the Gluhwein :)

Last Sunday was another Dutch Holiday celebrated in December called Sinter Klaas. It's a traditional celebration where Sint comes and leaves candy, treats and toys in children's shoes. But the most interesting part of the Dutch tradition is that you write poems for your friends and family. Many of the students in my program got together last Monday night and we celebrated Sinter Klaas where we each wrote a poem for someone else. It was really fun celebrating this Dutch tradition with people from around the world.

This weekend I am in Amsterdam finishing up some assignments before leaving for Canada via Belgium for the holidays. Tonight I am going to go volunteer with the Amsterdam Rotaract Club in making Christmas hampers for homeless people in the city. Tomorrow there is a Christmas market here in Amsterdam and I will be going to compare to see if it measures up to the German variety.

Then it's back to work, humanitarian intervention discussions and deabtes on legality and legitmacy. The week will be gone before I know it and then it will be time to visit my host families and friends in Belgium and then home for a Morrison Christmas.

Best wishes of the Holidays to everyone!

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