Monday, October 18, 2010

The Past, the Present, the Future

I just got home from Dutch class and we started learning the past tense this week. This is officially the last week of the first semester of my studies. Time is flying by. Just a brief update on the going ons in my life. It's in point form, because forming coherent sentences at this moment not relating to international law is difficult ;) I am very focused as you can tell.

The Past:
Seeing the Dutch national football team dominate the Swedes 4-1 at the Amsterdam Arena!!
Meeting up and eating Dutch Pannenkoeken with a past Rotary exchange student, Lukas, who had stayed at my house in the Soo, and his family.
Attending a Rotary Fundraiser Event of my Host Club, we had dinner and played Musical BINGO, which I WON!! All to the benefit of the IMC WeekendSchool, which benefits Dutch students from underprivileged neighbourhoods.

The Present:
Finishing my paper for Public International Law and starting my paper for the Changing Nature of War.
Studying for my Dutch exam.
Recruiting authors for the Amsterdam Law Forum's next issue - Health and Bio-Ethics.
Hard at work!

The Future:
TURKEY!!! This Friday I will be taking a little vacation to visit a friend of mine in Istanbul. I am really excited to be shown around the cultural sites by a true local and to eat all the delicious Turkish food!

When I return I will have to deal with submitting my papers and sitting my exam, but I know I will take the time while I am away to relax and enjoy all that Istanbul has to offer.

Back to work for now.

Daha sonra bakın (See you later in Turkish)

The Pre-Game ceremony.

Happy the Dutch Team won!!

Dinner with Lukas Zielinski and Family.

Me with my prizes from winning Musical Bingo.

My Rotary Counsellor Wilko and another Scholar Miao-Chien from Taiwan.

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