Monday, October 4, 2010

A relaxing weekend. Now back to work.

A rainy Saturday, led to the clouds clearing and one of the nicest days since I arrived here in Amsterdam on Sunday. I broke out a skirt and a tank-top for likely the last time this season.
Realistically who can stay inside and study when the sun is just calling you from the window. The nice thing also was that it was the first Sunday of the month and there is a Sunday Market at the Westerpark, close to my house, which sells handmade clothes, artwork and also bio-food. It was nice to go relax and eat lunch just sitting alongside of one of Amsterdam's canals.

Sunday was also a day or relaxation after getting all fancy on Saturday for a Rotaract Gala Ball, with Rotaractors from all over Europe. I attended the event with another Canadian and a previous Ambassadorial Scholar, Katrina and her boyfriend from Belgium. We had a great night, networking, chatting with people and dancing until our feet hurt. Tonight I will be introducing myself and making my first presentation at the International Rotary Club of Amsterdam, luckily this I can do in English :)

More good news, is that I applied and was selected for a volunteer position within the Faculty of Law as a Student Editor of the VU Law Journal. ALF - Amsterdam Law Forum, looks for scholarly articles or opinion pieces relating to different topics as they fit themed issues. I am currently looking for Professors and/or Researchers in the field of Health Law for our issue coming out in January. I am really excited for this opportunity of extra-curricular involvement!!

That just means that I am even busier now and that I better get back to reading for Public International Law as I am presenting the case study this Friday.

Hope everyone is doing well. Once again enjoy the pictures.

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